Thursday, May 24, 2007

Reward Great Customer Service!

As my mission becomes more clear to me by the day, I have made a realization that there are some out there that are providing great customer service but not being rewarded for it. I would like to ask all of you to PLEASE reward someone who provides you with Great Customer Service.

The reward doesn't have to be anything monetary and you don't have to really even go way out of your way to reward that person. I know some of you are thinking "I'm way to busy for that!" but just listen for 2 seconds... a simple compliment to the person who gave you Great Customer Service would be a nice reward. Or, a comment to that persons manager would also be a great reward. It would only take a minute of your time but could make all the difference in the world to the person who went out of their way to provide you with Great Customer Service and could change their lives forever.

Now, some of you may be asking yourselves "why is this even important? If we are all entitled to receiving great customer service, why should we reward those who give it to us when it is our God given right to receive it?" Well, let me ask you this - if you were going out of your way to provide stellar customer service and day in and day out continued to get slapped around, would you continue to go out of your way? NO, you wouldn't! Furthermore, if it is my mission to change customer service than we need to recognize the fact that we have to reward those who are providing us great customer service so that not only do they continue to provide it but also to encourage others to do the same.

So, the next time you are at a restaurant and the waitress does an extra special job, compliment her on it. Or, if you are calling a customer service help desk and the person on the other end of the phone does an extraordinary job or goes out of their way to assist you, compliment them for it and offer to inform their boss as well.

Together, we can make a difference!


katty said...

Thumbs up for those who gave good service! They deserve free publicity..
Small Business Answering service

Focus Services said...

Great customer service is achieved when reps go the extra mile in helping a customer out. It reflects on the quality of the company, the kind of service they provide and the attitude of the people they have trained.